Online Access Act

Science City Darmstadt is one of 15 municipalities in Hesse that is being funded by the state government for a pioneering pilot project to digitalise municipal administrations.
The aim of this Intermunicipal Cooperation (IKZ) project is to work together with the county municipalities of Fischbachtal, Groß-Bieberau, Modautal, Ober-Ramstadt and Roßdorf to develop a standardised process for the implementation of the Online Access Act (OZG) suitable for small and large municipalities and to draw up corresponding guidelines. In addition, the municipalities want to support each other in the implementation process and foster an intensive exchange of experiences.
The aim of the project is to achieve the complete digitalisation of administrative processes in the municipalities, i.e. the complete digital processing of procedures without media discontinuity, from the electronic application in the ‘front office’ (the application of the citizen) to the processing in the ‘back office’ (final processing of the administrative procedure). The participating municipalities want to work together to develop suitable basic infrastructures, interfaces and uniform processes for all municipalities. Cluster 1 was formed together with the five aforementioned municipalities to implement the OZG and is one of a total of four clusters in the Darmstadt-Dieburg district. The municipalities involved coordinate with each other. The aim is for everyone to learn from one another and work together to find good and forward-looking solutions that pave the way for all municipalities, small and large alike, into the OZG era.
The Online Access Act (OZG) obliges the federal, state and local authorities to make all administrative services available digitally by the end of 2022. The municipalities of Hesse have agreed on very close cooperation at the working level, which divides up the various tasks, tackles them in intermunicipal cooperation and thus leads to uniform standards and procedures throughout Hesse.
Find out which online services are already available here:
What is the use of
Who benefits from it
What is the schedule
Activation on September 26, 2018.
Who is responsible
Wissenschaftsstadt Darmstadt