Guided tour on 11 November: Water trails, climate change and digitalization

Join us on an exciting and free guided tour on the subject of water - in and around Darmstadt. Register now and be there on Saturday, November 11!

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“Water is a friendly element for those who are familiar with it and know how to treat it”, as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once said. Almost two hundred years later, climatic challenges are forcing us to rethink the way we use water. What can we do about the increasing scarcity of drinking water? How can we design the cities of the future to save water? Can digitalization help us?

The “Kulturregion FrankfurtRheinMain” is focusing on the topic of water with impulse events from October 2023 to April 2024. The series starts with the guided tour “Water Paths, Climate Change and Digitalization” in Darmstadt, which is part of the “Smart Water Darmstadt” project. With this project, Darmstadt has set out to use water smarter and more sparingly and to sensitize citizens to the use of water.

The events are free of charge.

If you are curious, come with us on new and familiar water trails.


Saturday, November 11, 2023, 3.30 pm, Darmstadt

Guided tour: Water trails, climate change and digitalization

Meeting point: Ostbahnhof Darmstadt, in front of the main entrance, Darmstadt

Bei seiner etwa zweistündigen Führung nimmt der renommierte Umweltjournalist Prof. Dr. Torsten Schäfer (Hochschule Darmstadt) die Teilnehmenden mit auf eine Entdeckungsreise in die Welt der Gewässer in und um Darmstadt. Aufgebrochen in den Hitzesommern der letzten Jahre spürt er den Veränderungen nach, die der Klimawandel mit sich bringt. At the same time, he shows how digitalization accompanies and documents climate change and how conclusions and adaptation strategies can be drawn from this.

Organized in cooperation between Kulturregion FrankfurtRheinMain and Digitalstadt Darmstadt GmbH

Register now via link and e-mail:

Further information can be found here:

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